The Ladies in Business Podcast

Welcome to The Ladies in Business Podcast

Dimity Bullen-Nicholas Season 1 Episode 1
The Ladies in Business podcast aims to help you grow your business by speaking to incredible women succeeding in their roles and finding out how they got to where they are today and share their success secrets with you. This podcast is about sharing the knowledge around to inspire, support and help other Ladies in Business to thrive and grow in any business, in any position. 

Ladies in Business hold networking events with the sole intention of bringing ladies together to connect, collaborate and support one another. To share tips and tricks and to help each other’s businesses grow. This isn’t like one of those networking events that you may have been to before where people try to sell to you and are really salesy, it is about creating real connections.

The events are inclusive to all women, you don’t need to own a business. You just need to have an interest in business and about growing your business as well as helping others to grow theirs. Whether you work from home for your self, or you’re an agent or a consultant or are the CEO of a large company. We all come together with the same want of seeing each other succeed. 

We also hold workshops regularly which help women to grow their business. In 2022 we held workshops about finance, marketing, networking and public speaking. With many different exciting workshops on the cards for 2023! 

We also run an accountability mastermind group to help you excel within your business over a 8-12 week period, to achieve the goals you want to achieve. Having run the first mastermind in 2022 and seeing incredible results for the amazing attendees these are going to be such a valuable sessions.

We will soon be launching our short courses to help you run your business and grow for those that can’t attend the workshops in person, through our Website at

We also are in the making of a directory on our website where you can find any product or service you need such as accountants, photographers, hairdressers, cleaners, marketers, mechanics, kids toys, and so much more that are a part of Ladies in Business and want to help you to succeed and would love your support.

If you enjoyed this episode we would love if you could leave us a review, this will help other Ladies in Business know that this is a helpful podcast so we can help support each other to grow and thrive together.

Join our groups here to get involved with our communities, start collaborating and make new like minded friends
Ladies in Business Townsville Facebook Group
Ladies in Business Brisbane Facebook Group

Follow our pages here to keep up to date with what is happening with Ladies in Business
Ladies in Business LinkedIn Page
Ladies in Businesss Instagram Page
Ladies in Business Facebook Page

Want to join us at an event? Purchase Tickets to the next event here:

Thank you for listening, we look forward speaking to you again next week and we look forward to seeing you at one of our events soon! 

Until then, keep working on achieving your goals and have an amazing rest of your day ☺️💕 

If you enjoyed this episode we would love if you could leave us a review, this will help other Ladies in Business know that this is a helpful podcast so we can help support each other to grow and thrive together.